Tuesday, February 16, 2010

From the very beginning...

My journey is several months away, but I'm so excited. I couldn't help myself but start this blog already. I figured I'd share a little bit about my getting there. The neat part about this opportunity is that we have been sponsoring a little girl from this foundation for several years now. And I might even get to meet her. Her name is Soniya, and she is beautiful.
So to make this possible, I need lots of help, not only from my parents but from friends and family. I need money donations to fund not only my trip, but to make the service possible. Rising Star Outreach allows children of those who have leprosy to have a chance, in this world. They teach them many things including English to allow them to be more successful in this ever changing world. Please go here to find out more about this wonderful program.


I'm excited and scared to begin this journey. I'm used to Oregon rain, and any change in climate and temperature is difficult for me. But that is exactly why I need to do this. I need to go beyond myself, and serve people who I don't know.

In case you were wondering about my Blog title, This is what a Salwar Kameez looks like, and this is what I will be wearing most day. Hope I can rock it like this girl. :)

Your friend,
Martha Mae