Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Unga Peranna

My mom just got on my case for not blogging. So here we are.

The title is Tamil for "What is your name?" And is just so fun to say to the children. Because at first they respond and then they realize its weird I'm speaking Tamil. One house mother, even gasped from shock and said "Oh you speak Tamil?" I quickly assured her this was the only phrase I knew. And I'm so glad I learned it because it is a phrase I used- probably 10-20 times a day. When we first got here that is all the children said. "What is your name?" times 100. And then I would ask them so times that, 100 by two. So the phrase has kind of got old. So saying it in Tamil is so much more FUN! It also doesn't help that I can't say more than 90 percent of there names, and b. I have a horrible memory. I have learned like 5 of the children's names. And even those it takes me several seconds to remember.So my goal is to know, like really know and remember for the rest of my life 10 names. By the time I leave. Katie one of the session directors who has been here for 3 months knows all of them. But she also learned them in like 3 weeks. So that super impressive. Since the school has about 150 children.
Yesterday we did tutoring again. And I have either really good readers, or ones that can't even focus enough to look at the page. So it was a hard day. But it was so rewarding to hear some of the children actually sounding out the words. It made me so happy.
Also I got  to read with one of my favorite children here Basha. He is also in my family so we hung out later that night as well. He is so bright. But struggles with reading. But he has improved so much even in the last week I have been here. Yesterday during our 40 minutes time together he read 2 and a half books. Given these were picture books but they had 30-40 pages. He was stoked. He went up to "Ma'am" (which is what they call the VP of the school) and showed her the book he had finished and the one he was going to start. It was a beautiful thing to see.  Basha is special to a lot of us here, he just has a contagious smile. Selena, which is "Ma'am's" real name, told us how just a few weeks ago while Basha's mother was here she wanted to take her children out of the school. She said something to the effect that she doesn't need her children to become doctors or teachers, just being able to read is enough for her. And Selena  pleaded to let them stay, so she has left them in school for now at least. Their mother (Basha and his sister's) is one of the few who still go out and beg. Even though those with children coming here are not allowed to continue begging. But their mother knows she gets more begging when she has the children with her, so she wants to pull them out of the school. Which just breaks my heart that A. she would do such a thing, and B. that she has every right to. So seeing him excel in school is extra important to me now.
Yesterday we had a mini Birthday party because two of the children's sponsors  came for their birthday, and brought them new clothes and cake. It was so cute, we all sang and then the children hand delivered cake to all the other children before eating some themselves.
My favorite part of the day is always with the children. If its running around the playground or taking "photos" or just sitting there watching the boys interact. It's all so great. Every night when we are in our families we either help with homework, or read with them, or sometimes I just sit in the room while the boys are all huddled in a circle telling each other stories and just being boys. Every night I sit there and listen to them talk in Tamil and wish I spoke it as well. Every once in a while I can get one of the children to translate what another is saying. But most of them have this unspoken code, to not ever tell the white people what they are saying. haha.
But anyways last night Basha sat down with me and retold me one of the stories of one of the Gods (which I honestly can't remember). But it was just so adorable. Because they have these super long comic books that tell the stories of all the Gods, but none of them read them. Only look at the photos, and get the story from that. So Basha would flip between the pages telling me the story, and I would ohh and aww. And he told me like 3 different ones. It was great. Also this was all while my Henna was drying. Our house mother Kala called me over last night and drew the most beautiful henna on my hand. It took her about a half an hour, and I just sat there almost in a trance watching her carefully do different patterns on each finger- then all over my palm.  I love it.
Then today I woke up late, walked outside and it was drizzling. And rain is the most beautiful thing here. It  makes everything more beautiful. Except the new walk way in front of the volunteer house. It is called the pathway of hope, donated by many David Archeleta fans, and fans of Rising Star. But it is made with these smooth stones so when it rains it becomes the "pathway of death" which is the running joke. Because it becomes so slippery someone is bound to fall and hit there head every time. Not that I know of anyone who has, but it has funny things carved on every stone. Like "Crush Poverty" or "David is Love" or "Dave the Day." Or there is really awesome things like "Hope" and other inspirational things. But those are the fans of rising star- not David. But David has done a lot of great things for rising star, so he does deserve some credit. :)
Oh also Rising Star is selling Christmas Cards as another way of raising money. So if anyone would like me to get them a package- they want us to bring them to the states so the shipping doesn't cost a ton. Please let me know I believe they are 20 dollars per package. The cards have art done by the children on them, and they are just beautiful. So let me know!

All the love in the world.

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